Founder President’s Message

Association of Haryanvis in Australia

Founder President’s Message

Sewa Singh

Founder President, AHA

At the outset, I would like to thank the Association of Haryanvis in Australia for giving me the opportunity to serve as the president and to be part of an organisation that not only gives back to the community that we live in but strengthens the bond with our roots and our culture. We have set out clear vision and objectives for the Association and I am fully committed to delivering those whilst working closely with the board of members and the larger community and government bodies in Australia & India.

We are putting our whole-hearted efforts to not only preserve and promote the rich Haryanvi culture of brotherhood & industriousness amongst Haryanvis and their future generations but also enable them to integrate better with Australian values & Culture.

Seniors hold a special place in our society, and we have commenced operations of our Seniors Recreation Centre in Sydney where our seniors can communicate, interact and participate in recreational activities during their stay in Australia.

The ‘Open- Day’ conducted by the association has been a huge success where we have been providing much needed guidance, support and advise to new migrants and students alike.

Our monthly social get-togethers are one of the most sought-after events in the community and the last event saw over 150 participants in Sydney. At the same time, our footprint expansion has experienced immense acceleration over the period and we’re ready to launch our Melbourne chapter on the 27th of June 2019 in the Victorian Parliament.

One of the key items in our vision is to enhance our reach and increase our membership and bring some young blood into the association that culminates new ideas and new energy. As we embark on this journey, I invite each one of you to participate, and most importantly become involved.

Creating strong leaders is the key to building a solid foundation for our young children and ensuring the success of our Association. Your ideas and active participation are immensely welcomed in helping our organization meet its vision. Our board, leaders and members look forward to continuing our successful and important work together!

Jai Hind, Jai Haryana

Sewa Singh


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Help from qualified professionals for those pursuing a NAATI CCL certification. The right path to reach the right goals.

Every teenager’s goal that can prove elusive for many. But with the right advice, the road ahead became clear.

This episode is presented for the Temporary visa holders including students in Australia who are facing visa related issues due to COVID-19 crisis.

In collaboration with Australian Red Cross Lifeblood at National level in different cities of Australia, to help Red Cross, cope up with the havoc wreaked by these unprecedented times


Association of Haryanvis in Australia (AHA) has been set up to provide help and assistance to the community in every possible way. So, if you need assistance in employment advice, legal matters, immigration cases or even academic issues, please contact your local AHA office or at details on the Contact page.

Legal Assistance​
Migration Consultation​
Real Estate Consultation​
Finance Guidance​
Career Counselling​
Educational Advice​


Association of Haryanvis in Australia (AHA) has been set up to provide help and assistance to the community in every possible way. So, if you need assistance in employment advice, legal matters, immigration cases or even academic issues, please contact your local AHA office or at details on the Contact page.


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